Greenlight Family Services assists individuals with becoming the legal guardian for the disabled adult in their care. Adult guardianship allows the caregiver to make personal and financial decisions for the special needs of the disabled adult (aged 18 or older) in their care, which protects them from exploitation.
When a person turns 18, in the eyes of the law they are an adult, whether they have disabilities or not. They become legally responsible for themselves. Their parents can no longer make decisions for them without their consent. Greenlight recognizes this may be problematic for adults with disabilities because they often make poor decisions or are unable to make decisions on their own. An adult guardian is an adult who is willing and able to make personal and financial decisions for the disabled adult. As the adult guardian, he or she can continue caring for their child past the age of legal adulthood.

Please call for a free consultation at 773-728-7800 or simply email us to learn more.